Spirit Horse Equine Rescue
& Education Center

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Who Are We?
Our two part mission includes the rescue of abused, neglected, unwanted and slaughter-bound equines, as well as providing education in methods of Natural Horsemanship.
Equines in our care are rehabilitated, and, if possible, placed in qualified adoptive homes. If sufficient rehabilitation is not possible, we provide a sanctuary for the duration of their lives.

We Do NOT:
Buy from kill-pen brokers or auctions.
Choose only horses that are easily "flipped" to adoptable.
This allows us to intercept equines before they enter the slaughter pipeline, use our funds for care instead of paying unscruplous brokers. This practice also keeps our horses at a lower risk for disease and injury.
We DO:
Accept owner surrenders and law-enforcement seizures.
Watch this video to learn more about who we are.
Why Rescue?
People buy horses with the best intentions, but may not have the knowledge or funds to care for them properly.
Horses no longer "suit" the human that has them. They may want a faster, stronger, better-trained horse ~ so the first horse has to go.
A horse-owners life circumstances may change due to economics, illness, or age, leaving them unable to care for a beloved equine.
A horse-owner may lack the skill to deal with behavioral issues a horse develops.
A horse may sustain an injury or debilitating condition that the owner does not wish to deal with.
Wild Horses are rounded up to languish in holding facilities or be adopted by people whose only motive is to get them compliant enough to sell them for profit.
Thoroughbreds and other racehorses are "used up" and then discarded to slaughter.

We believe that education in Natural Horsemanship can decrease the need for rescue, because many people give up on their horses due to behavioral problems.
Success with Horses
Knowledge is the Key to
We have four books based on 30 years of the study and application of Natural Horsemanship.
Created by a degreed educator, the books are designed to give you the SCOPE and SEQUENCE to guide your learning.
Books are portable ~ you can take them to the barn or round pen with you to refer back to diagrams, photos and illustrations.
Click Here To learn more about these books and how to make them your own.
We believe that Natural Horsemanship is the most effective and humane way to relate to and/or train horses. By "Natural Horsemanship", we mean using the very nature of the horse to allow us to use the most effective way to communicate with these sensitive, intelligent, athletic, and social creatures. To read more about Natural Horsemanship click here.
Lessons (in person & virtual)
We Offer:

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