Spirit Horse Equine Rescue
& Education Center
Book 1
Start here! We find MANY of the problems people have with horses are rooted in a lack of understanding horses fully.
Topics Covered:
Evolution and what it means about equine behavior.
12 Equine Characteristics and how they impact you.
How Humans and Horses are VASTLY different.
Ways to bridge the gap between predator and prey species.
How to effectively read a horse's body language to guide your decision-making
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Book 2
Second Step. This will provide the basics to help your horse become a safe, sane, smart, willing partner.
Topics Covered:
Change our vocabulary to benefit the horse.
Zones of the horse.
The tools of a Natural Horseman - and why.
Connecting and creating confidence.
Steady vs. rhythmic pressure.
The all-important SEND.
The Red Light - Yellow Light - Green Light Test

Book 3
Advancing Your Repitoire. This book will help you complete the process begun in book 2.
Topics Covered:
Natural Horsekeeping
Drawing and driving
On a circle - purposeful "lunging"
Moving sideways
Conquering claustrophobia
Trailer loading for life
Assessing/effectiveness with different equine personalities

A Book Specifically Written for Success for Wild Horses.
Topics Covered:
Understanding the nature of horses
Equine characteristics
Bridging the gap between predator and prey species
The fine art of reading a horse (even when he tries to hide what's going on)
Following a feel (some people call it leading)

Ready to Learn?
To order books, simply donate $50 for each book (shipping included!). In the message section provide us with your name & address along with which book(s) you would like. We'll send them on their way ASAP!