Spirit Horse Equine Rescue
& Education Center
Founded in March, 2008, Spirit Horse is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization. We are run by a Board of Directors and funded by memberships, donations, sponsorships and fund-raising events.
Spirit Horse is fairly unique in the world of equine rescue for many reasons:
Equine behavior and communication are the cornerstone of our efforts.
We exclusively use methods of Natural Horsemanship.
We provide lessons and clinics to teach these methods.
In addition to physical rehabilitation, we also focus on mental and emotional health through the use of the principles of Natural Horsemanship.
We primarily use the methods of Parelli Natural Horsemanship.
We use Humanality/Horsenality to match potential adoptors to an equine.
We have a nearly 100% success rate in our adoptions.
We make a commitment to our equines for the duration of their lives.
Spirit Horse Board of Directors

DeeDee Luchsinger Golberg
Founder and President
DeeDee was always rescuing all kinds of critters, but her practical career was in teaching. With a degree from UW-Madison she taught many subjects in both private and public schools. Since 1994, DeeDee has been a dedicated student of Natural Horsemanship. In 2008, she felt she had the competence and confidence to fullfill a life-long dream and established Spirit Horse. The photo shows DeeDee with Mica, a Hallelujah Horse. DeeDee was the person to help Mica discover the horse-human connection. She longs to see the day when all horse people embrace equine psychology, behavior and comunication as the way to have success with horses.

Susan Peterson
Vice President
Susan has been a lifelong lover of horses. After moving to Wisconsin in 1999, she worked for five years at a boarding stable, doing chores in exchange for dressage lessons. In 2005 Susan became a Certified Equine Massage Therapist. She first learned about Spirit Horse Equine Rescue in 2008. She met DeeDee at a fundraiser and offered her services as a donation to the rescued horses. Shortly thereafter, Susan was asked to join the Board of Directors. Susan considers serving on the board and helping to rehabilitate these incredible animals to be the most rewarding work she has ever done.

Sharyn Sheen
Sharyn has a life long love for horses, though she has had limited experience with them. She loves our use of Natural Horsemanship, and is learning at an amazing pace. As a career school guidance counselor, Sharyn brings a weath of knowledge about human psychology to our board. Her interest in research and grant-writing is also a great addition. Her photo was taken at a clinic she attended at the Black Beauty Ranch in Texas.

Anna Baines
Founding Member
Anna has been on the Spirit Horse board of directors since the organization was founded in 2008. She is a practicing veterinarian. Anna is passionate about both the physical and mental aspects of horse rescue. She has taken many animal behavior courses and is also a student of Natural Horsemanship. Seeing fearful horses learn to trust humans and become confident, responsive and happy animals is Anna's favorite aspect of her work with the rescue.

Mary Olson
Member at Large
Mary found us on the internet while searching for practitioners of Natural Horsemanship. The rest is history. We were the perfect fit for Mary right from the start. Her passion is in helping make the world a better place for humans and animals. Mary has a strong background in Reiki and holistic healing modalities which is a great resource for Spirit Horse.

Marcy Waelti
Member at Large
Marcy has been a horse lover, rider and trainer most of her life. Her "official" career was in early childhood education, but she has been a student and teacher of Natural Horsemanship for many years. Marcy has been both a foster and adopter for us. Snowman, shown in her photo, has been a wonderful addition to her lesson program at Waelti Farm. Most recently, Marcy has embarked on a new journey to become an Equine Gestalt Coach.

Maddy Oravec
Member at Large
Maddy began her journey with Natural Horsemanship as a six-year old in her home state of New York. Her pursuit of higher education has taken her to many places. In 2020 she received her PHD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is currently working on her post-doctorate at the University of Minnesota. When she lost her horse, she began searching for a rescue to volunteer for while her heart was healing. She found us, and her new partner, Roo! Maddy started Roo under saddle at the Home Farm, and her photo is of their first ride.

Becky Schmidt
Member at Large
Becky has been an avid animal lover her entire life. She grew up with dogs and while in college, rescued rats. She also grew up around horses and knew as a young child she would always have them as a part of her life. In middle school, Becky decided she wanted to rescue animals and focus on farm animals. Becky worked at a family-owned pet store for 5+years and ran the reptile department, which gave her a new class of animals to love. At Alverno college, Becky earned her BA in Community, Leadership and development. She learned the tools necessary to start a nonprofit rescue. In April of 2020 she started to foster for us and is continuing to learn about rescue.

Lily Olson
Junior Member
Lily has the true heart of an animal rescuer. She is wise beyond her years and brings her energy and enthusiasm to the board. She has volunteered as a wildlife rehabilitator, studied Natural Horsemanship and worked in equine assisted therapy. The future of rescue looks bright with individuals like Lily leading the way!
We would love to have you join us in our mission of saving equines and educating humans. Please click here to find out how you can be a part of this rewarding experience!